Archive for March, 2010

Terrine of Foie Gras 2.0

March 30, 2010 - 1:25 am 2 Comments

I actually made this dish quite a while ago, when quince was still in season (because now it is not!) but never got around to put it up here. It’s a rather “contrasty” dish with sweet, sourish, peppery and perfumed extremes - all bound together by the richness of the duck liver.

Foie gras is often combined with just sweet sauces and sweet fruits or well, anything sweet. But it actually lends itself very well to be put in a spicy, fragrant and more “exotic” ambience.

Foie gras terrine filled with five spice marinated pigeon breast - garden cress, quince sheet, sweet gherkins

Terrina di fegato grasso d’anatra e petto di piccione marinato alle cinque spezie. Crescione, foglio di marmellata di mele cotogne e cetriolini in agrodolce